Ayurvedic Treatment For Eye sight

According to ayurvedic studies, eye problems are caused by a variety of different upsetting of one of the three doshas. For instance, the aggravation of Kapha dosha aggravates dullness of eyes. Also, the increase of the Vata dosha leads to dry eyes.

Furthermore, the pitta dosha is aggravated through smoke, stress, or pollution causes bloodshot eyes. The other cause of sore eyes is insufficient sleep. Also, weak eyes are caused by a weakening of the Alchaka Pitta.

Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Dry or Dull Eyes 

  • Honey, Ghee, or Sesame Oil: A few drops of one of these will help moisten eyes, and return them back to the normal state.
  • Fennel Seeds: ½ teaspoon fennel seeds in one cup of water, until half the water evaporates. Let the substance cool, and use it as eye drops.
Home Remedies for Tense or Bloodshot Eyes
  • Rose water mixtures: Put three drops of rose water in the eyes. Either that, or soak a pad in rose water, milk, or aloe vera juice and lie down for 10-20 minutes.
  • Cucumber: Place a slice of cucumber on each eye. The cool sensation will comfort the eyes, and reduce the puffiness beneath the eyes.
  • Figs and Raisons: Boil 2-3 figs and one teaspoon of raisons in a cup of milk.
Remedies for Weak Eyes
  • Almond mixture: Grind ½ cup of almonds, raw sugar, and aniseeds. Divide into 40 doses and take one a day with a cup of milk.
  • Other helpful hints: Rinse the eyes with water daily. Also, mix cardamom seeds with one tablespoon of honey.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Eat more vegetables, especially ones that contain vitamin A/Carotene. Carrots are one example. They help a person see better, especially when driving at night. Also, the person should start exercising more often, and get plenty of sleep at night. In addition, this person should eat a balanced diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and very limited amounts of meats and fatty foods.
Netra Tarpana: Ayurvedic Eyes Rejuvenation

This treatment aims to provide optimum rejuvenation to eyes. Dough of Urad (black gram) is put around the eye ball in such a way that a dam like appearance is seen. Then herbal healing ghee (clarified butter oil) is put in this groove to lubricate eye and surrounding areas which will be kept warm for 30 – 35 minutes. This provides improved vision with beautiful eyes and strengthening of eye tissues.

It also helps in under eye circles if done regularly for few days.

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